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29 mars 2015

Film "Lone Survivor"

(en français, ci-après)

Vazut filmul "Lone Survivor". Foarte prost film!

DAR, datorita lui, am aflat despre codul de onoare pashtun – Pashtunwali – care e ceva, e cevaaa...:
Are 11 reguli, dintre care, a 2-a, a dat cu mine de pamant! Nu atat pt faptul ca indivizi de mare valoare morala ar putea-o aplica in mod spontan si ar forta respectul oricui cu ceva in cap si in inima, ci faptul ca, pentru afgani, este o lege de onoare!

pashtun people

2- Nanawatai (asylum) - Derived from the verb meaning to go in, this refers to the protection given to a person against his enemies. People are protected at all costs; even those running from the law must be given refuge until the situation can be clarified.[4] Nanawatai can also be used when the vanquished party in a dispute is prepared to go in to the house of the victors and ask for their forgiveness: this is a peculiar form of "chivalrous" surrender, in which an enemy seeks "sanctuary" at the house of their foe. A notable example is that of Navy Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell, the sole survivor of a US Navy SEAL team ambushed by Taliban fighters. Wounded, he evaded the enemy and was aided by members of the Sabray tribe who took him to their village. The tribal chief protected him, fending off attacking tribes until word was sent to nearby US forces.

Filmul "Lone Survivor" vorbeste despre cazul dat ca exemplu al celei de-a 2-a lege Pashtuni, azilul.


Le film "Lone Survivor": vu. Très bête ce film!

MAIS, grâce à lui, j'ai appris qu'il existe un code d'honneur pashtun - Pashtunwali - qui est quelque chose, quelque chooooose...:

(voir extrait ci-dessus)

Le film "Lone Survivor" raconte le cas donné en exemple de la 2-e loi du Pashtunwali, asylum.
